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RQM - Test case export

Hi All,
I have following scenario:
We needed to export some testcases along with steps. I clicked on browse testcase execution record-> selected the required testcases and then clicked on "Run offline". This exported the testcases in .rqms format and we imported this file in excel using RQM import utility. Now the problem is all the testcases that were exported using this method have went in to "in-progress" status if checked in RQM using browse->testcase execution records.
Can we revert this changes..? Like is it possible to change the status of the exported testcases to the previous status before they were exported...?
Many Thanks,
Accepted answer

Yes it is possible to revert the status of all exported test cases. Simplest way is to login in RQM with Jazz Admin Bulk select all the test cases that needs to be revert using filter of "Approved / Reject" you can simply approve it. Just make sure that approve test cases don't have any test scripts having status Reject or in Progress.