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Modifying/changing DB2 database paths for CLM

Kunal N (872862) | asked Dec 04 '17, 12:14 p.m.

 Hi All,

We have CLM server running which is configured using DB2 and WAS on Linux box. There are four mount points created on linux server for database Storage. Now the problem is the storage on this mount points have become full. We cannot increase the disk storage for this mount points due to limitations, however we are planning to move this database locations to new mount points which have more storage. How can we achieve this..? Can we just directly copy the contents from old mount point to new points..?


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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9185200) | answered Dec 04 '17, 3:20 p.m.

Do any of the databases have tablespace containers stored on these mount points ?  ( db2 connect to tha_db,  db2 list tablespace containers for X, X is 0,1,2,3,4,5 ... )   An example for the CONTENTTS of a CCM database:

$ db2 list tablespace containers for 4

            Tablespace Containers for Tablespace 4

 Container ID                         = 0
 Name                                 = /db2/tstinst1/ContentTS/CCM
 Type                                 = File

Another more complex example where I have added containers across volumes:
$ db2 list tablespace containers for 3

            Tablespace Containers for Tablespace 3

 Container ID                         = 0
 Name                                 = /db2/data4/rtcdb11/contentts/c1.dbf
 Type                                 = File

 Container ID                         = 1
 Name                                 = /db2ts1/rtcinst3/RTCDB11/c0.dbf
 Type                                 = File

 Container ID                         = 2
 Name                                 = /db2ts2/rtcinst3/RTCDB11/c1.dbf
 Type                                 = File

 Container ID                         = 3
 Name                                 = /db2ts3/rtcinst3/RTCDB11/c2.dbf
 Type                                 = File

If your databases have containers spread across the mounts, it may be simply a matter of adding a new container in that path.

DB2 also uses certain PATH information in the dbm cfg:
Default database path                       (DFTDBPATH) = /db2/data4 

It might be possible to symbolically link new paths under original path names.  However,  moving db2 storage isn't always a simple matter of copying files around and a backup/restore might be required.

W/o a bit of a description of how these storage paths are wedged into your environment, it's hard to make a more concrete judgment.   Maybe post on a DB2 related forum ?  e.g.:

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