JRS- count number of test case by category
One answer
Hi Vijay,
1. Choose artifact -> Test case
2. Build Relationship
QM TestCase -- Run By (required) --> QM Test case execution record --> Curren Test case result (required) --
--> QM Test case result
3. Set Conditions
a) Choose attribute as Category
b) Choose values of Category ( in your case, choose values of software and hardware on which data should be analyzed)
In table
Column 1. Choose calculated value
a) Choose "Attributes of " -> QM Test case
b) Choose Count number of artifacts by ID and Click ok
Column 2. Choose "Attributes of " -> QM Test case -> Category
Column 3. Choose "Attributes of " -> QM Test case result -> Status
This table shows all the count of all test cases in Column 1 , with their respective Category values in Column 2 and Current Test case result in Column 3.
Note: Column 2 is shows category name with its values assigned to test case.