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How can we restrict user logins during maintenance period?

R Z (1273453) | asked Feb 04 '20, 10:59 a.m.


How can we restrict user logins during application maintenance period?
We use Cloud based IBM CLM instance with Liberty as application server. We want to restrict users logging in during maintenance window and only admin with JAZZ admin group permissions should be able to access. Any possibility ?

Kevin Ramer commented Feb 04 '20, 2:18 p.m.

What sort of jazz-related maintenance allows the application to remain active ?

R Z commented Feb 04 '20, 2:26 p.m.

Inspite of outage communication, system alerts and banner pages, there were few cases where users had logged in. 

Pre and Post patching we do some UAT testing where we test few conditions only if the conditions are passed we release the system to normal users. We don't see a way to restrict users during our testing phase. Is there any possibility?  

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Matt Muller (59813674) | answered Feb 05 '20, 11:12 a.m.

If you want to perform UAT Testing as Jazz Admins;  The way we have restricted access for users for longer outages when testing is needed is to modify the Project Properties (for ALL projects):
> Access Control - No one (Repository administrators only)
The down side is > editing all the projects and then having to switch it back on.

If your UAT team is NOT Jazz Admins then you may need to investigate setting up an Access Group (for a production UAT Team project).

Not sure if this will help you or not..  but something I've done in the past.

Matt Muller

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