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Does RQM-STAX Integration need some tweeks when RQM is upgraded to RQM 4.0.1?

Rajesh Avanthi (10815143173) | asked Nov 08 '12, 12:26 p.m.

Our project area is  currently on RQM with RQM-STAX integration. We are planning to upgrade the RQM Server to 4.0.1?
In that case will our RQM-STAX Integration need some tweeks?
what precautions shall we take so that our framework remains in a working state even after the RQM Server, CLM is migrated/upgraded?

Also this is the  "facade.xml" we are using.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE stax SYSTEM "stax.dtd">
    <defaultcall function="myDefaultTask"/>

    <function name="myDefaultTask" scope="local">

            This is a description of My Default Task.
            <function-required-arg name="target">The target machine</function-required-arg>
            <function-required-arg name="STAXJobXMLMachine">STAXJobXMLMachine</function-required-arg>
            <function-required-arg name="file">file</function-required-arg>
            <function-optional-arg name="arg1" default="'default1'">The first arg description</function-optional-arg>


            <!--<message>'Found system name : %s' % target</message> -->
            <!-- Import and invoke the legacy task -->
            <import machine="STAXJobXMLMachine" file="file">
   <call function="'MainFunction'">[target,arg1]</call>


 Under this I'm trying to call the MainFunction for my test suite. Now, this main function internally calls many other functions. So after the upgrade of RQM, shall i be importing all those functions as well?

something like :
            <!--<message>'Found system name : %s' % target</message> -->
            <!-- Import and invoke the legacy task -->
            <import machine="STAXJobXMLMachine" file="file">
   <call function="'MainFunction'">[target,arg1]</call>


Please advice.

Thanks in advance

2 answers

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Nov 09 '12, 6:59 a.m.
There does not appear to be any specific migration steps.  That said, I would suggest rechecking your integration configuration, after the migration.  See

Rajesh Avanthi commented Nov 15 '12, 3:42 a.m.

Thanks Paul.

Do you have any inputs on the second part of the question (

import-include tag in the facade file.xml ) ?

Under the "facade file.xml, I'm trying to call the MainFunction for my test suite. Now, this main function internally calls many other functions. So after the upgrade of RQM, shall i be importing all those functions as well?

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Nov 15 '12, 9:05 a.m.
 Unfortunately, no.  I have requested someone with more Stax/RQM experience to reply.

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