How to keep the format of DNG tables also in RPE reports?

If I create a table in DNG as an artifact (type: diagram, attachment, requirement or whatever) with some table settings (row width, column width, etc.), a RPE report will not keep this table settings. The RPE templates just print out the rich text field using the text construct and sending them to Word and PDF. But in the Word and PDF documents you can not see the table settings and the table looks totally different.
Does anybody know about that problem? Does anybody know how to fix that problem?
Thanks for your help!
One answer

For column/cell width, RPE supports values given in points or pixels. Percentage values are not supported and will be ignored.

Thanks for your answer!
Unfortunately, if I also use points or pixels as width unit it does not really work and the table does not look as expected.

I suppose you can insert table in DNG only if artifact format is Text. I tested with DNG 6.0.4 and RPE output is good.