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Problems when generate the List of Tables in RPE from DNG.

Jennifer Ly (1517) | asked Jan 19 '18, 9:54 a.m.
I have multiple documents that need to import into DNG (ver 6.04) and use RPE (ver 2.1.1) to generate the word document outputs for customer.  

In RPE outputs, It's OK to generate the Table of Contents, and List of Figures for the document.  But, some how the RPE cannot recognize the Tables and Table Captions that I named/populated (attribute type) in DNG.  So, It cannot generate the List of Tables for output.

It's is OK if I create a table and set the Table Title as Table Caption  in DNG.  But I don't want to create all tables in DNG from scratch, there are hundreds of tables and a table is big (3,4 pages long).  
Is there a RPE template to generate List of Tables after import words documents into DNG? 

Can any one help me to resolve this problem?

Thank you.

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Jan 19 '18, 12:37 p.m.

How is the Table caption added in DNG? Can you please paste the value returned for dataSource/artifact/content/text/richTextBody/div? I am getting Table caption from DNG 6.0.4 in the output (below the table) as in the screenshot.

Here is the XHTML value returned:

Jennifer Ly commented Jan 19 '18, 2:37 p.m.

Can you show me how to get the XHTML value returned for dataSource/artifact/content/text/richTextBody/div?

Bartosz Chrabski commented Nov 27 '20, 5:28 p.m.

When you open text element you have two checkboxes under script section. Deselect xhtml output and you will get exactly what Subramanya displayed

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