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RRDI WebSphere profile upgrade.

Naveen V (791759) | asked Sep 15 '17, 4:32 p.m.


I have RRDI 5.0.2 version installed in WAS version but now we are planing to upgrade WAS to 8.5.5 version. Does anyone upgraded the RRDI WAS profile? If so how to do that?
Actually I have done using WAS migration tool but RRDI did not start properly. How I can migrate my WAS profile to 8.5.5 for RRDI 5.0.2 ?

Any help much appreciated.


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Naveen V (791759) | answered Sep 18 '17, 3:55 p.m.

 I have created the profile in WAS 8.5.5 with same profilename, used same ports and then server1. Migrated WAS profile using WebSphere Customization Toolbox 8.5. Thats it... looks everything working as expected. 

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