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Installing Cognos BI for ALM CC using Rational Insight installation

Adam Wereszczynski (92811932) | asked Jan 29 '16, 11:32 a.m.
edited Feb 01 '16, 3:35 a.m. by Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103)
I have upgraded IBM Rational Collaborative Lifecycle Management Solution (CLM) from version 5.0.2 to version 6.0.1.
I was using Rational Reporting For Development Intelligence (RRDI) 5.0.2, specifically the Rational Reporting Server.

I would like to continue using IBM Cognos Business Intelligence (CBI) reporting solution but in CLM 6.0.1 I am told to setup up CBI myself and install IBM ALM Cognos Connector.

Can I install IBM Rational Insight instead and use the provided CBI installation to integrate with CLM?

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Adam Wereszczynski (92811932) | answered Jan 29 '16, 11:39 a.m.
edited Feb 01 '16, 3:36 a.m. by Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103)
You cannot use IBM Rational Insight to install and set up CBI for integrating with CLM.

While this is technically possible, this is not a supported configuration.
To get support on such installation you will need to purchase Rational Insight.

You are entitled to download full installation of IBM Cognos Business Intelligence by purchasing a CLM 6.0 license.
You will find it in the Passport Advantage site along with the CLM 6.0.1 installation files.

When you use CBI from Passport Advantage, you are entitled to CBI support.

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