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how about RRDI upgrade for CLM 6.0.3

Naveen V (791759) | asked Oct 17 '17, 2:38 p.m.


I am planing upgrade to CLM 6.0.3 from 5.0.2 version. We are using RRDI and needs to retain the custom reports so need below information to complete my plan and upgrade.

1) As per the below URL need to request PMR to get licenses to use Cognos BI with ALM connector for CLM. 
Question is here: Do we get new licenses or I can go ahead and download the 6.0 version of licenses from license key center is enough?

2) As per the below URL for upgrading to cognos BI from RRDI and installing ALM connector.

    a ) Can we use existing RICM db and then skip to download archived files from jts and then import into cognos RICM db for packages? Or we can still import the latest packages from clm 6.0.3 to replace the existing packages?

I know latest packages will have updates so my assumption is ... Need to import and replace existing packages?

 b) Instead of creating new WAS profile. Can we uninstall and deploy the p2pd war file after building it?

3) Do we need to  Export and import RRDI custom report  if we are using existing RICM db ?

4) How I can configure the ETL jobs for new cognos BI ? Seems java ETL doesn't support. Need to have DCC configured. So where exactly the DCC (data collection component) need to configure for ETL job?


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Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119) | answered Oct 18 '17, 3:15 a.m.

Hello Naveen,

to answer your questions:

1) If you have valid CLM licenses, you can now download Cognos BI from Passport Advantage. No need for extra licenses or to open a PMR to request it.

2a) The new data model downloaded from CLM 6.0.3 needs to be imported over the existing one.

2b) Technically it's possible and should work. From the other hand, since there is no longer the RRDI setup application that was taking care of that, building a new profile should ensure that you have all the necessary requirements in place.

3) Should not be necessary, but I would do the export anyway before the upgrade as a backup in case anything goes wrong during the process.

4) DCC needs to be installed in your CLM instance, the setup procedure will take care of configuring the ETL jobs for you.  You can find the details here:

Collecting data with the Data Collection Component

Best Regards
Francesco Chiossi

Naveen V selected this answer as the correct answer

Naveen V commented Oct 18 '17, 9:40 a.m.

 Thanks @Francesco chiossi

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