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RRDI on Linux System z?

Francis Kemp (7213044) | asked May 07 '14, 5:11 p.m.

I'm starting to plan a CLM installation in which I'll be restricted to using Red Hat on System Z. This environment will include RRDI.  RRDI is supported on Linux on System z per

However, the Jazz Deployment WIKI,, indicates that RRDI is not supported on Red Hat on z but is supported on SUSE Linux on z.

Am I reading this correctly?  If I am and RRDI is not supported on Red Hat on z, are there any plans to support this in the future?



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Keaton Willis (31112) | answered May 07 '14, 5:55 p.m.
I think you're reading it correctly.  It also doesn't seem to currently be in scope for the next major release:

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