RTC/RQM: show test execution records: GUI problem - Ok Button not clickable
One answer
Hi Joerg,
This is working in RQM 4.0.5 and RQM 4.0.6 using FireFox 17, although I could not find a related defect.
This is working in RQM 4.0.5 and RQM 4.0.6 using FireFox 17, although I could not find a related defect.
Hi Paul,
if I understand you correct the RTC version is not important. The firefox is version is 24.2.0
I think within the next weeks we switch to RTC 4.0.5.
I could not recreate this behavior for test plans, test cases or test results. Only TER "makes trouble" :-)
Kind regards, joerg
Correct, as long as the two RQM/RTC sever versions are compatible (see http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v4r0m5/topic/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/c_n-1.html).