CRRGW6002E The JDBC driver "" could not be loaded
Here is a common problem and workaround when trying to setup JRS 5.0.2 iFix 009 on Windows Server 2012 with SQL Server 2014 and WAS server The data warehouse test connection fails with below error:
CRRGW5548E An java.lang.IllegalStateException error occurred when validating the database connection, caused by CRRGW6002E The JDBC driver "" could not be loaded.
1) Open the WAS Console
2) Select Servers -> WebSphere application servers -> server1
3) Under Server Infrastructure, expand Java and Process Management, and select "Process Definition"
4) Under Additional Properties, select Java Virtual Machine
5) Enter absolute path to "sqljdbc41.jar" into the Classpath field, and save 6) Retry the data warehouse connection test, and if it doesn't work, restart WAS and try it after a restart
One answer
The JRS is supposed to load the SQL JDBC Driver from the WebSphere JVM Custom property called “SQLSERVER_JDBC_DRIVER_FILE”. Additionally, two other valid options that you can also consider:
1) Put the sqljdbc41.jar file into server/conf/rs/WAS_sharedLibrary directory.
2) If putting into WAS_sharedLibrary solution doesn't work, put the jdbc driver (sqljdbc41.jar file) in JVM lib/ext directory, for example, C:\WebSphere1\AppServer\java\jre\lib\ext.