XDC to Relational Database

Hello, I have asked multiple questions about XDC files, trying to figure out how to decipher them...but I don't think I asked this question: how do you know what columns in the database the XDC file is mapping to?
2 answers

Hi Roanna,
The DbName parameter correspond to the repository name, where the information will be stored. The data mapping information between the field and the actual table and column where it is stored, it's part of the architecture of the produt and at that level isn't usually available to general overview . It's part of the product code.

Hi Roanna,
XDC file itself does not have mapping information between Reportable REST API (application side) and DW database columns. They are mapped in Data Manager in Rational Insight or DCC job in CLM.
- In Data Manager, if you open one of the Fact Build in ODS, then you will see the data flow. The database icon in left side is coming from XDC and the right side is database column.
- In DCC, the mapping files are found in /server/conf/dcc/sites/dcc-updatesite/plugins/com.ibm.rational.datacollection.service_XXXXXXXX.jar. Unzip this jar file, and open these mapping (.ttl) files. For the detail how to read the mapping files, please read the article below. Note: you need to know RDF triples to understand the mapping definition.
Ralph Schoon
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