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Insight - RTC Changes and Statistics

Arturo San Feliciano (4511011) | asked Feb 23 '16, 9:35 a.m.
    I need to get the RTC Changes and Statistics information throught XDC to use with Rational Insight. When I do the query no error happens but no information is retrieved. I search for it but I only get that those fields are internal and only for etl jobs. is there any way to get the information?

statistics (type:

The statistics element involves lengthy computations on the size of streams. This operation has side effects and is long-running, and is designed for use by the ETL jobs only. This element is internal.

changes (type:

The changes element involves lengthy computations on the changes to a stream. This operation has side effects and is long-running, and is designed for use by the ETL jobs only. This element is internal.

URL: https://RTC_SERVER/jazz/rpt/repository/scm?size=10000&fields=scm/changes/*


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