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How do I configure Insight 1.1.1 ETL with server on AIX and tools on Windows?

David Mehaffy (90123338) | asked Aug 08 '12, 4:17 p.m.
I have installed RC2 of Insight 1.1.1 on AIX with a copy of my production RIDW database.  Report server is working fine.  It is very unclear to me how I would configure the ETL so I can start running collections of data from CLM.   I have cataloged both the content store and data warehouse on my windows tools machine.  I have created a RationalInsghtETL in my RICM from the windows machine and saved it.   Now I need to run XDC configuration.  Do I download the files from CLM and configure them on windows and then go to datamanager and test the connection?   I guess the net is are the xdc files really stored as part of the ETL catalog once they are configured in datamanager?  Do I need to copy the xdc files to AIX server and what configuration do I need to do there?   I have read over the documentation pointed to by the release notes and I do not see anything that describes this scenario which will be prevalent for Enterprise Customers.

I also note that it says that DataServices is only supported on Windows which seems to be a bad thing as if you are running AIX for Insight then DataServices should run there too?  Also in previous release it supported Linux so DataServices has taken a step backwards not forwards.

David Mehaffy commented Aug 20 '12, 1:35 p.m.

Sure would liek someone to answer this question

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Jackie Albert (1.6k14947) | answered Aug 14 '12, 4:20 p.m.
We use DataServices on Linux, so I'm curious to see the answer to that part of the question.

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