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Insytalling RRC to use remote DB2

Mark Ireland (26125748) | asked Sep 21 '09, 9:07 a.m.

I have installed RRC and db2 client 9.1 FP 3.
I want to now configure RRC to connect to the remote server, but whatever I seem to place into the confuration mangler is incorrect.

1. Do I also need a local DB2 instance?

2. Has anybody a detailed set of install instructions.

3. Is there a way to modify the etc file manually as per rtc/rqm to make this install work?

Many thanks


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Stef van Dijk (2.0k179) | answered Sep 22 '09, 6:23 p.m.
My understanding is that the DB2 instance that used for indexing must be on the same server as the JRS server. The data database can be remote.

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