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RRC Usage questions

AOC Admin (13631917) | asked Jan 17 '12, 7:05 p.m.

I had a few questions on the usage of RRC.

We have learned that we will not be able to import updates to requirements via CSV files until Release 4.. We can only update new requirements. Is it possible to import requirement tags through the CSV files? Or can tagging only be done on requirements after they are in the system?

When users are trying to query on requirements, is it possible to query on a range of the Requirement ID? or a range of a "float" type attribute?

Is it possible to take create a new project based on an existing project (for example, create a training project based on the production project so it has the data for new users to learn?)

Right now, the user base is small so we have been able to manage the handful of licenses and users. however, when we expand the usage of RRC, instead of the project owner select 50+ users to give access to a project, is it possible for the project owner to create gropus an dassigne those groups to the projects?


2 answers

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Jan 18 '12, 10:52 p.m.
To answer your questions:

It is not possible to define your own ID's. The ID's that are assigned to an artifact are simply assigned sequentially based on when they are added to the system.

I checked the saved filter options and it is also not possible to query based on a range of artifact ID's.

It is possible to create projects based off of others to quickly deploy them on the same server. Have a look at this topic for information on creating project templates. You can also create artifact templates for deploying pre-defined artifacts to a project.

As for assigning "groups" to project areas to easily control process roles, this is still done at the user level, but you can use LPA to quickly create projects across the lifecycle and control member access in one area. These are all good enhancements, so I suggest you log them if you would like to see them considered for a future release. Hope it helps,

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AOC Admin (13631917) | answered Jan 20 '12, 3:04 p.m.
Thank you for the answers.. i wasn't trying to create my own IDs, but was curious if users had a way of importing tags through the CSV files so they don't have to go into each and every requirement to tag it.. They do love the tagging feature though because it lets them query across projects, whereas attributes can only be queried per project..

Thank you for all the other information. I will create some RFEs for them

To answer your questions:

It is not possible to define your own ID's. The ID's that are assigned to an artifact are simply assigned sequentially based on when they are added to the system.

I checked the saved filter options and it is also not possible to query based on a range of artifact ID's.

It is possible to create projects based off of others to quickly deploy them on the same server. Have a look at this topic for information on creating project templates. You can also create artifact templates for deploying pre-defined artifacts to a project.

As for assigning "groups" to project areas to easily control process roles, this is still done at the user level, but you can use LPA to quickly create projects across the lifecycle and control member access in one area. These are all good enhancements, so I suggest you log them if you would like to see them considered for a future release. Hope it helps,

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