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Making columns default?

Sezgi Seret (144) | asked Dec 16 '11, 3:52 a.m.
Hi Everybody,

I created several artifacts. For these artifacts I also added column "x" and column "y". After I logged out I want to see these columns again. But RRC stored the default.

Is it possible in this version of RRC? Thank you.


6 answers

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Dec 16 '11, 8:46 a.m.
Set up the columns and filters you want, then create a Saved Filter. Then at one click you will recreate this view in the future (and you can copy the URL for the saved filter and share it with others (in email, in dashboards, on some other web page) when you want them to see the same view.

For example, here is the glossary view we use in our self-hosted requirements project here on

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Garth Coleman (26) | answered Dec 31 '11, 10:25 a.m.
That works, but then I might as well delete all other built in filters, like "by folder".

This would be a very good enhancement to allow the administrator to modify the built-in filters so that custom column layouts can be stored. I think this would be something everybody would want, need, and benefit from.

Set up the columns and filters you want, then create a Saved Filter. Then at one click you will recreate this view in the future (and you can copy the URL for the saved filter and share it with others (in email, in dashboards, on some other web page) when you want them to see the same view.

For example, here is the glossary view we use in our self-hosted requirements project here on

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Jan 01 '12, 4:16 p.m.
Are saved filters included in project templates? I don't recall. But I agree that ...
1. It makes sense to enable project admins to provide common saved filters across projects, both at time of project creation (in project templates) and after project creation.
2. It would be nice if admins could change the default (i.e., when no saved filter has been applied), and it would be good if this setting also participated in (1) above.

Please fee free to open an enhancement for this and subscribe me.

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Jan 02 '12, 9:50 p.m.
That works, but then I might as well delete all other built in filters, like "by folder".

This would be a very good enhancement to allow the administrator to modify the built-in filters so that custom column layouts can be stored. I think this would be something everybody would want, need, and benefit from.

Set up the columns and filters you want, then create a Saved Filter. Then at one click you will recreate this view in the future (and you can copy the URL for the saved filter and share it with others (in email, in dashboards, on some other web page) when you want them to see the same view.

For example, here is the glossary view we use in our self-hosted requirements project here on

Saved filters can be stored in a project template

You can create a project template from an existing project and select the elements of the project to include in the template. You can include or exclude artifacts, artifact templates, artifact types and attributes, links between artifacts, link types, folder structure, tags, and shared saved filters. You cannot modify templates for requirements projects after they are created.

Also saved filters can be changed to have new queries and columns. Ensure that an existing saved filter is chosen in the save filter dialogue to overwrite. A new project template can be created with the new filters.

We use this option to create new Money that Matters sample projects.

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Garth Coleman (26) | answered Jan 03 '12, 12:38 a.m.
Yes, but what I want is to use the existing "by folder" filters, but be able to customize the columns that appear by default.

Otherwise the "by folder" filter is quite limited in the information I can extract... I have found that if I create a saved filter called "custom columns layout", then I can run that filter first, and then browse by folder, and my desired columns appear. But it seems silly that I have to do this step...

That works, but then I might as well delete all other built in filters, like "by folder".

This would be a very good enhancement to allow the administrator to modify the built-in filters so that custom column layouts can be stored. I think this would be something everybody would want, need, and benefit from.

Set up the columns and filters you want, then create a Saved Filter. Then at one click you will recreate this view in the future (and you can copy the URL for the saved filter and share it with others (in email, in dashboards, on some other web page) when you want them to see the same view.

For example, here is the glossary view we use in our self-hosted requirements project here on

Saved filters can be stored in a project template

You can create a project template from an existing project and select the elements of the project to include in the template. You can include or exclude artifacts, artifact templates, artifact types and attributes, links between artifacts, link types, folder structure, tags, and shared saved filters. You cannot modify templates for requirements projects after they are created.

Also saved filters can be changed to have new queries and columns. Ensure that an existing saved filter is chosen in the save filter dialogue to overwrite. A new project template can be created with the new filters.

We use this option to create new Money that Matters sample projects.

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Jan 03 '12, 10:43 p.m.
Yes, but what I want is to use the existing "by folder" filters, but be able to customize the columns that appear by default.

Otherwise the "by folder" filter is quite limited in the information I can extract... I have found that if I create a saved filter called "custom columns layout", then I can run that filter first, and then browse by folder, and my desired columns appear. But it seems silly that I have to do this step...

That works, but then I might as well delete all other built in filters, like "by folder".

This would be a very good enhancement to allow the administrator to modify the built-in filters so that custom column layouts can be stored. I think this would be something everybody would want, need, and benefit from.

Set up the columns and filters you want, then create a Saved Filter. Then at one click you will recreate this view in the future (and you can copy the URL for the saved filter and share it with others (in email, in dashboards, on some other web page) when you want them to see the same view.

For example, here is the glossary view we use in our self-hosted requirements project here on

Saved filters can be stored in a project template

You can create a project template from an existing project and select the elements of the project to include in the template. You can include or exclude artifacts, artifact templates, artifact types and attributes, links between artifacts, link types, folder structure, tags, and shared saved filters. You cannot modify templates for requirements projects after they are created.

Also saved filters can be changed to have new queries and columns. Ensure that an existing saved filter is chosen in the save filter dialogue to overwrite. A new project template can be created with the new filters.

We use this option to create new Money that Matters sample projects.

Setting the default Out-of-the-box columns is currently not possible, as you have found you can trick it by opening a saved filter with the columns you need. I would suggest raising an enhancement request to allow an administrator to define the default columns - if you have a customer ID you can do this via Rational Tech Support otherwise raise an enhancement work item on

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