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Custom field in report builder not correctly populating, how to fix?

Kimberly Eddleman (111) | asked Jul 06 '17, 8:38 a.m.


I am trying to generate a report for problem reports with in the Jazz Rational ALM report builder. One of the fields is "Problem Description (custom)" which should populate a column with the description of that PR. However, when I run the report, even though every single PR has a problem description within the PR database, only about half of the descriptions actually show up in the column for Problem Description (custom) and the rest are blank. Has anyone had an issue similar to this/know how to fix this problem? I am using version 6.0.2 of everything.

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Fariz Saracevic (919613) | answered Jul 06 '17, 8:51 a.m.

This should not be happening. Are you using LQE or DW with Report Builder?

Keep in mind that data are not immediately available in LQE/DW to report on. It depends how your admin has setup up JRS and it can vary from 15 mins to 24 hours.

Kimberly Eddleman commented Jul 06 '17, 9:12 a.m.

 Thanks for your response! I am using the Rational Data Warehouse. I unfortunately have had this issue for several days so I'm not sure if the availability of data is the issue.

Fariz Saracevic commented Jul 06 '17, 11:11 a.m.

Hi Kimberly,

This does not sound like a normal behavior. I suggest to open ticket with IBM support. 

Thank you.

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