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Report Builder - Parent / Child connection troubleshooting.

I want to display any Story where the child Task = Closed to see the status of that Story and ALL child Tasks.
- Story with 3 Tasks all In Progress = nothing shown.
- Story with 3 Tasks with 2 In Progress, one is Closed = Display Story, Status, Child, Status (of all 3).
Trace Relationships
Parent (required)/All Link Types Child
Parent - Type = Story
Children - Status = Closed
Report shows Stories with Children Status = Closed (Yay) However, it ONLY displays the Tasks = Closed, not the other Tasks that are In Progress or New. How do I correct the Conditions that get example #2 above to display? I'm sure it involves something maybe nestled?
Accepted answer

Hi Sterling,
Not sure if you already found a solution but trick is in the trace relationship. Here is what I have selected and then condition for the closed children work items.

In your environment, work items types might be different. Therefore, here is public report link and this should provide you details your are looking for https://jazz.net/rs/web?folder=5&report=66033#/viewreport_classic.