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How to export mutiple testsuite linked with multiple different testcase having different multiple testscript in rqm

SANU PANJI (1315) | asked Jun 01 '17, 11:58 a.m.
edited Jun 01 '17, 12:27 p.m.

Please suggest a basic config file and basic excel structure to export mutiple testsuite linked with multiple different testcase having different multiple testscript in rqm all at once through RQLexcel utility

Example :I have

  • 2 testsuite TSU1, and TSU2
  • 4 testcase TC1, TC2, TC3, TC4
  • 8 testscript TSC1, TSC2,...,TSC8

I need to create and link like below

  • testscript TSC1. TSC2 link with testcase TC1
  • testscript TSC3. TSC4 link with testcase TC2
  • testscript TSC5. TSC6 link with testcase TC3
  • testscript TSC7. TSC8 link with testcase TC4


  • testcase TC1. TC2 link with testsuite TSU1
  • testcase TC3. TC4 link with testsuite TSU2

NOTE : I have to do all at once, with single excel and single config file. And my planning will be dynamic, need a generic file.

One answer

permanent link
Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jun 01 '17, 7:58 p.m.

Hi, Sanu

You may want to check with

and refer to [4.Using Link() modifier to make 1-n linkage with the test artifact(s)with the known id], similar approach
should apply to your use case.

SANU PANJI commented Jun 02 '17, 12:22 p.m.

it helped, but for my case test suites are existing, can you help?

Don Yang commented Jun 04 '17, 9:04 p.m.

Check with the pdf file in the same section's 'The difference between Link () and LinkExisting () modifier.', referring to


Here you have testsuite instead of test plan but it applies to test suite as well.
If you have multiple test suite, C2 should be a column with the id of existing test suite you want to associating with test case.

See some discussion here as well:

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