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Excel Import does not import all the steps in the test script. Is this only with the samples provided or other files as well ?

dharshan prasad (346) | asked Dec 04 '13, 3:06 a.m.
edited Dec 04 '13, 10:22 a.m. by Max Bridges (24126)
Hi All

I am trying to import test artifacts into RQM using Excel importer. Both are of version 4.0.4.

The import is successful, however do observe that not all steps are imported for the test script.

Wanted to know if this is expected with sample data or am I missing something.

Appreciate any help in this area.


2 answers

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ma chi (3111) | answered Dec 04 '13, 9:41 p.m.
 hi Dharshan,

     I think your excel file or .cfg file have something wrong. Usually we can import all the steps. You can see some examples from your installation folder.For example C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\RQMExcelImporter\Samples. There are some examples about this. If you still have questions , you can give me a email I will give you some docs of RQM Importer.

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Donat Hutter (2153539) | answered Dec 05 '13, 7:56 a.m.
Hi Dharshan,
Did you make sure that the column you refer to with "testscript.XLSArtifactID" has the same value for each test step.

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