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in case of upgrade DM 5.0.2 shared JTS with CLM 5.0.2 to DM 6.0.3 w/ CLM 6.0.3

Natsumi Yokoyama (209387101) | asked May 07 '17, 9:46 p.m.
edited May 07 '17, 9:47 p.m.


Which ifix should be applyed to Design Manager Server (for Rhapsody), in case of upgrade DM 5.0.2 shared JTS with CLM 5.0.2 to DM 6.0.3 w/ CLM 6.0.3 ?
iFix 11a have to be applyed to DM server?

Knowledge Center says that "The upgrade process is only supported from version 5.0.2 interim fix 11 and later".
On the other hand, iFix 11 does not have fix modules for DM server.
iFix 11a has fix modules for DM server.

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Ian Wark (79713553) | answered May 08 '17, 5:56 a.m.

You are strongly encouraged to apply the latest DM iFix before updating to CLM 6.0.3. That is currently iFix 019. I think it is just saying that the upgrade is only supported when you have applied iFix11 or later. You don't have to use iFix011.

Design Management 5.0.2 interim fix 19

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