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restrict users can only link to existing RTC work ticket but cannot create work ticket from RQM

Accepted answer

The permission to create work items is controlled by RTC. Use RTC permissions and roles for the RQM users that prevent them from creating work items in RTC.

Thanks Ralph, I agree with you we can restrict creating RTC WT by permissions. I tried by not providing "in line editor" So that user will not provide input, but still once I click on "ok" button, It creates RTC WT with few default values.

Just not providing an inline editor does not remove the permission to create work items and the user can get a t the UI to create work items.
Donald Nong
Apr 16 '17, 7:36 p.m.Do you mean for all users? Explaining the use case in more details can help others to help you.
kavita herur
Apr 17 '17, 2:03 a.m.Hi Donald,
whenever the Integrated workItem window opens in RQM all users should be allowed to link existing RTC WTs but shouldn't be allowed to create new WT.
Is there way I can disable to create workItem button or any alternate solution?
Is this can be achieved for specific user as well? any thoughts?