Where can I download xdc files for all CLM tools and ClearQuest?

Accepted answer


Thank you, James.
I was able to navigate to the area of the Jazz Team Server Home page and download the associated .ZIP file. When I opened the archive, I noticed only 2 files:
jfs301.xdc rrc3011.xdc
I'm surprised that I did not receive .xdc files for RTC and RQM. Are those files available somewhere else? Please advise.
Thank you,
James Roach
6 other answers


Thanks, James. We're a little green over here on the CLM/Insight interface (we had a Quickstart done to enable us with Insight), so I guess this showed a knowledge gap for us. After a little time, I did find exactly what I was looking for and know where to look in the future.
Please follow up with me on the CQ .xdc file when you hear something. I would not think that interface would change, as the CQ .xdc is designed to be fairly bare bones due to the high level of CQ schema customization in the field.

CQ 8.x implemented OSLC reporting specification and I remember that they are developing their own ETL based on OSLC reporting specification. In this case, they should package that ETL, includes XDC files, into their product and provide information in their documents for example.

I would like to clarify that so far,
- ClearQuest has *not* implemented the OSLC Reporting Specs
- ClearQuest itself has *no* implementation on using ETL based on OSLC provided by ClearQuest
For now, please use the ETL shipped with Insight to interact with ClearQuest Data.
Please feel free to submit RFE against ClearQuest for a more CQ built-in ETL solution.
(There are user stories in ClearQuest backlog on providing such capabilities).
Yuhong Yin
Dev Manager
ClearCase-CLM and ClearQuest-CLM Connectors and Integrations
Email: yyin@us.ibm.com