RDNG Artifact Templates Missing After Upgrade to v6.0.3

After migrating CLM from version 6.0.1 to version 6.0.3 the artifact templates from Rational Doors Next Generation project areas are missing. No error message is shown neither in the logs nor in the applications.
We have also reviewed the upgrade logs and no error message nor warning indicates there was a missing step when upgrading.
Do you know how can I restore the Artifact Templates?
Accepted answer

Hi Rosa,


Thanks for the question. To clarify this issue, the problem being observed here is not that data was not properly migrated or that the data has actually "disappeared" from the DB; the data still exists and is properly stored in the DB and on-disk indices, so there is no "data loss" as a result of this defect. The problem addressed by the defect I mentioned is that the server query to collect Artifact Template data was not properly querying for the data. After applying a fix for this defect, the Artifact Template query will be able to properly retrieve the existing Artifact Template data, so there will be no need to retry the migration to 6.0.3.