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CRJAZ1992E "com.ibm.team.jfs.CleanUpUnusedIndexesVersionTask" task could not be completed and is now unscheduled. Error details. "internal error"
2 answers

Hi Roderick,
Review the application logs for any messages similar to the following:
2019-01-01 00:03:00,123 [rm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-2 @@ 00:00] [ERROR] .service.internal.CleanUpUnusedIndexesVersionsTask - CleanUpUnusedIndexesVersionsTask: Found 242 version(s) incorrectly Unreferenced. Please run the -repairUnreferencedVersions repotools command
This indicates the repair tool MUST be run.
2019-01-01 00:17:24,123 [ rm.jfs.indexer.text.history] INFO com.ibm.team.jfs - Unused indexes cleanup task started
This message indicates that there are no issues within the database.
This task will not start if there are any issues within the database.
To resolve it, you can follow the resolution parts of this technote:
https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/upgrading-doors-next-generation-606-requires-repairunreferencedversions-run-running-reindex-updated-14th-february-2019, namely:
Run the repotools-<application> -repairUnreferencedVersions
- Check the repotools log to ensure that the repair completed successfully
David Honey
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jan 06 '22, 11:51 a.m.What info was in the application log file?
That info you provided doesn't really give any clues such as original exception.