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Exported file failed ReqIF schema validation

Dirk Schäfer (111) | asked May 08 '23, 2:27 a.m.
Hi all,

I have issues exporting a module out of DNG.
Everytime I try to create an export I receive the following error message.

Exported file failed ReqIF schema validation. Reason(s) : [Error] line: 34100 message: cvc-id.1: There is no ID/IDREF binding for IDREF '_9dfdfd7c-c990-43ab-a72a-a750ecdb36ad'

I tried different modules, but the failure appears every time for the same IDREF.

How can I findout what's behind that IDREF?


Ian Barnard commented May 09 '23, 4:19 a.m.
You don't state what version+ifix you're using - please ALWAYS include this information in questions.

If you aren't on the latest ifix for the version you're using the first thing you should do is update to the latest ifix and try the export again.

If that doesn't resolve the problem then assuming you're using a supported version (7.0.1 or 7.0.2) you should create a support case.

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