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DNG : Some permission are unassigned in project area created from custom process template

Dastan Ali (17716) | asked Mar 26 '17, 2:34 a.m.
edited Mar 26 '17, 3:46 a.m.

 I wanted to create custom lifecycle process template. For this i customized process templates of RM, QM and CCM as per the needs and uploaded customized templates to server. Exported lifecycle process template, edited the XML file and imported it back to server. There is no problem with CCM and QM as it only has process templates unlike RM which has process template and project template.

To customize RM process template below is the procedure i followed.
Created RM project with "traditional requirement template" project template. I wanted to enable "Modify an artifact of a specific type in a workflow state" permission therefore I added default workflow to each artifact type(from Project area Properties), from this project template I created another project template name "My Project Template RM". Created the new project area out of "My Project Template RM" project template. In this project area i was able to see "Modify an artifact of a specific type in a workflow state" permission already enabled. I made changes into roles and permission and assigned some permission of "Modify an artifact of a specific type in a workflow state" to commenter. Then I exported process template of this project area and imported it back to server. I made appropriate changes in XML of lifecycle process template.
When I create new lifecycle project from customized lifecyle template, RM project area is created with "Modify an artifact of a specific type in a workflow state" permission but it is unassigned for all the roles where as I assinged it to commenter role in original project area but it is completely unassigned in new project area.
Can anyone help me with what I am missing here?

Dastan Ali commented Mar 26 '17, 2:39 a.m.

To put is simply,

I created project area in RM, assinged some permissions of "Modify an artifact of a specific type in a workflow state" to user roles and exported process template.
When I create new project area from this process template "Modify an artifact of a specific type in a workflow state" permission is completely unassigned to all the roles.
I unable to understand why is it not getting only this permission. All other permissions are exactly in same manner as Original project area

4 answers

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Jia jang (42111) | answered Mar 27 '17, 1:16 a.m.
I am also facing the same problem .
Can anyone help me too?

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Mar 27 '17, 1:39 a.m.

RDNG has only one built-in "process template", and you cannot customize it, officially. You can read more about it in the below article.
(Note that the article talks about how to customize it but it is not supported).

In a Lifecycle Project Template, the RDNG template being referenced is that "project template", as you have been aware of. So if you need a customized project template, you should customize an existing project, then create a project template out of it, and reference this new project template in the lifecycle project template.

I'm a bit confused of the meaning of "exported process template of this project area and imported it back to server". Did you mean the "process template" or the "project template"? Why did you need to "import it back"?

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Dastan Ali (17716) | answered Mar 27 '17, 4:38 a.m.
edited Mar 27 '17, 5:52 a.m.

  Hi Donald,

The link you mention gives idea about how to customize and export process template and project template, however I did not get any reference towards my problem
"exported process template of this project area and imported it back to server" : here I exported the process template. To create project area from customized process template I need to import it to server. 

    In a Lifecycle Project Template, the RDNG template being referenced is that "project template", as you have been aware of. So if you need a customized project template, you should customize an existing project, then create a project template out of it, and reference this new project template in the lifecycle project template. 

This is exactly what I have done. Problem is only for the mentioned precondition i.e. "Modify an artifact of a specific type in a workflow state"

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Tamisha Thompson (41) | answered Mar 28 '17, 6:30 p.m.

I recently had a customer who also had this same question. In my investigation - I found enhancement request that describes this same scenario:

Based on the discussion in the RFE - it was determined that this is a current limitation of DNG as described in the following doc:
 where we provide:

"If you attempt to share a process configuration between project areas, the sharing might partially function. However, the permissions for some Save Artifacts and Save Link actions do not work. The permissions are not inherited for any action related to a specific artifact type or link type (whether built-in or custom)."

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