Jazz Library Workarounds and Limitations: Known issues in IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0.2
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Workarounds and Limitations: Known issues in Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0.2

The following known problems are related to the IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.0.2 release.

Upgrading from a version 5 release

For details about known issues that relate to upgrading Rational DOORS Next Generation from a version 5 to a version 6 release, including specific defects and fixes, see the IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation 6.x migration defects Flash article from IBM Support.


The following problems in this release have workarounds:


The following problems in this release do not currently have workarounds:

Workaround summary


If the Data Collection Component job that extracts requirements data from the RM server takes several hours to finish, an internal cache might have expired on the RM server while the data is being processed. This expiration causes the cache to be populated repeatedly, which can take a considerable period of time depending on the number of projects and amount of data on the RM server.


As a Jazz admin user, complete these steps:

  1. On the /rm/web page, go to the Administration menu and select Manage Server Administration.
  2. From the menu on the left, select Advanced Properties.
  3. Scroll to or search for this value: RDMPublishLinksCacheExpiration
  4. Click the value and change it to 7200000 (=2 hours).
  5. At the top of the page, click Save.
  6. Restart the RM server for the new value to take effect.

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Workaround summary


If you use a permalink URL to navigate to a view in some browsers, the project dashboard might not load properly and the view contents might not be displayed.


Complete these steps to load the view:

  1. From the Artifacts menu, select Browse Artifacts.
  2. In the browser address field, paste the permalink URL for the view and press Enter.
  3. Refresh or reload the browser page.

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Workaround summary


In some cases, if a session cookie is persistent, closing the browser does not log out of the RM application.


To avoid this issue, set the JVM property named com.ibm.team.jfs.app.auth.cache.identity.lifetime to -1. Complete the instructions for the application server that hosts the RM application.

WebSphere Liberty:

  1. In the installation_directory/server/server.startup.bat|sh file, add the following line: JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dcom.ibm.team.jfs.app.auth.cache.identity.lifetime=-1
  2. Restart the application server for the new value to take effect.

WebSphere Application Server:

  1. In the WebSphere Admin Console, add the following JVM custom property: com.ibm.team.jfs.app.auth.cache.identity.lifetime=-1
  2. Restart the application server for the new value to take effect.

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Workaround summary


When you work in a personal stream, if you deliver a change set, the configuration context should automatically switch to the global stream that is associated with that personal stream. However, when you deliver a change set in a personal stream, the configuration context remains in the personal stream.


To work in the global stream instead, manually switch the configuration context to the global stream.

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Workaround summary


If you use Rational DOORS Next Generation in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, and the browser is configured for Turkish and at least one other language, the CSV export operation produces unexpected results. For example, the CSV export operation does not create a metadata section and the Microsoft Excel export operation does not create content for selected artifacts.


Select one of the following workarounds based on the browser that you use.

Google Chrome:

  1. Click Settings > Show advanced settings > Language and input settings.
  2. Ensure that Turkish is the only selected language. If another language is selected, remove it from the list.
  3. Click Done.
  4. Restart the browser.

Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Click Options > Content.
  2. In the language section, click Choose.
  3. Ensure that Turkish is the only selected language. If another language is selected, remove it from the list.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Restart the browser.

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Workaround summary


When you attempt to install the Rational DOORS Next Generation browser add-on on Mozilla Firefox 43 or later, Firefox reports a corrupt download. Select one of the following workarounds based on the version of Firefox that you use.

Workaround 1: Mozilla Firefox 43, 44, and 45

Complete these steps:

  1. Open Firefox.
  2. In the address bar, type about:config and press Enter.
  3. Search for the property labeled xpinstall.signatures.required.
  4. Set the property to false by double-clicking it.
  5. Restart Firefox.
If the browser add-on was already installed, it should now work properly. Otherwise, install the browser add-on as normal.

Workaround 2: Mozilla Firefox 46 and later

Use the Rational DOORS Next Generation browser add-on with Microsoft Internet Explorer instead.

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Workaround summary


When you copy bordered cells from Microsoft Excel, the borders are lost when you paste the cells into the rich-text editor.


Complete these steps:

  1. Open the context menu for the pasted Excel data.
  2. Click Table Properties and set the Border Size attribute to 1.

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Workaround summary

WebSphere Application Server stops responding and logs an out-of-memory error

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When you create reports for rich text artifacts that include symbols or special characters, the symbols or special characters might not be displayed in the report if the reporting font does not support them.

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Limitation summary


Rational DOORS Next Generation workflow attributes do not have a defined external URI when they are published to Lifecycle Query Engine. Therefore, Jazz Reporting Service reports that run against multiple projects cannot combine or merge matching workflow attributes. When workflow attributes are selected from multiple projects, Report Builder shows multiple instances of workflow attributes: one for each project.

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Limitation summary


If you are working in a personal stream or global stream and have not created a change set, the Current Configuration menu contains the option to create one. When you select this option, a change set is created and is associated with the personal stream (if a global stream does not contain a personal stream, one is created). Only one change set can be associated with a personal stream.

If the same stream is open in more than one browser tab or window, your actions in one tab or window are not reflected in other tabs or windows. Because of this disconnect, you can create another change set for the same stream in another tab or window, which replaces the change set that you specified in the original instance. To avoid this issue, be careful to create and deliver change sets in a single browser tab or window.

If you unintentionally replaced the change set for a personal stream, you can restore the association with the original change set in the Global Configuration Management application.

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Limitation summary


If you use Lifecycle Query Engine to build a Jazz Reporting Service report, any tags that are associated with requirements in Rational DOORS Next Generation are not displayed in the report.

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Limitation summary


If you edit the Primary Text attribute in an artifact that is in a module, the audit history shows the revision with additional markup tags.

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Limitation summary


If a stream is configured to require changes in manual change sets, you cannot lock an artifact in that stream.

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Limitation summary


The Manage Project Area page contains a Process Sharing section where you can specify to share a process configuration between project areas. Rational DOORS Next Generation does not fully support this feature. If you attempt to share a process configuration between project areas, the sharing partially functions. However, the permissions for some Save Artifacts and Save Link actions do not work. The permissions are not inherited for any action related to a specific artifact type or link type (whether built-in or custom).

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Limitation summary


You cannot import links and views into parallel configurations of a project or component. Links and views are not imported if they were already imported into another configuration in that project.

Do not attempt to manually re-create links or views that were disallowed, because they will not replace the originals and will cause duplicate resources if you export them.

Do not include links or views in packages that are intended for parallel import: explicitly excluding them from the package makes it clear that they will not be shared.

A parallel import occurs when a ReqIF package is imported into more than one configuration of a project or component. It also occurs when a resource is included in two packages and those packages are imported into two configurations of the same project.

Before version 6.0.5, parallel imports were not supported. In version 6.0.5, more ReqIF operations are available for multiple-configuration environments.

ReqIF maintains metadata that is generated during import and export operations, and exists at the project scope. When a ReqIF import is performed in a change set and that change set is discarded, the metadata persists: any subsequent import into another configuration in that project is treated as a parallel import. Similarly, if a ReqIF import is applied and its content is deleted, any subsequent import into another configuration is treated as a parallel Import. Be aware that these subsequent import operations are subject to parallel import rules.

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Limitation summary

Microsoft Visio VDX and VSDX file formats have limited or no support for uploaded file previews

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Mon, 25 Apr 2016