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Project area templates management principles in RTC

I think the answer to this question can be useful to many people to correctly understand how project area template management works in RTC.
There's some confusing moment when working with templates for project areas in Rational Team Concert (v4.0.1). Supposed, I create a new project area based on a project area custom template. After that, I make enhancements into the initial template but these enhancements are absent in the related project area. As I can see, the project area holds a copy of the initial template.
OK, no problem. Then I go from another side. I try to export the new template and replace the initial one by new one - I can not do it (because the initial template is linked to an existing project area). I try to remove the initial template - I can not do it too.
And the confusion is in next. Why the project area relates to the initial template although the process definitions in the project area and initial template are different at all? I think it brings some chaos in the process templates management saving the references form project areas to unnecessary and old project area templates with outdated data!
Thank you in advance for help and explanations!
Accepted answer

I believe that you could start using process sharing: https://jazz.net/library/article/1077/ which will solve at least couple of your problems. This feature is available in both RTC and RQM. You will find more information also here: https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/topic/com.ibm.team.concert.tutorial.doc/topics/tut_project_area_sharing_abstract.html
Let us know if these two articles helps for you.
Best regards,
Krzysztof Kazmierczyk
One other answer

See if the Process Sharing FAQ addresses your concerns and then you will be able to find multiple documents links in the same document and you can also search in articles and have a look at the Infocenter as well.