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Where can I find a detailed guide to the RTC 6.x SCRUM template?

michael entler (171227) | asked Mar 14 '17, 7:44 p.m.
edited Mar 14 '17, 7:45 p.m.

I'm working with the RTC 6.0.2 SCRUM template and I am liking the quickplanner, but working with other plan types, (and this may apply to other templates as well), it doesn't always make sense to me, and I think this will really hinder the adoption of this as a tool we want to do SCRUM/AGILE with.

e.g.  I create a backlog plan, create a new view and set to either kanban or taskboard. I create a story and child task.

The child task shows up in the new column, there are several options under the OPEN heading, including In progress. I can't drag it to any of these, but can drag it to the In Progress that is under the section for In Progress.

I suspect this is due to the (different) process flow for each workitem type available in this template, but it makes it awfully confusing to users. I can collapse the columns for my view, but I don't think I can save that so that new users are not bombarded by all these confusing columns.

The only option I can think of is to manually edit the process template to try to greatly simplify it, but I'd like some detailed documentation as top how(and why) this process template was set up this way. It may be simple once I understand, but right now for myself and potential users, they are finding it far too convoluted and would prefer white boards with sticky notes.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 15 '17, 3:53 a.m.
edited Mar 15 '17, 3:54 a.m.


you are not working with the scrum template, you are working with a project area that was created based on that template and has since then lost all connection to it. See . Please see to understand the minimal fundamental concepts. Please see the External links in both posts for more on planning.

In a taskboard or kanban view, what you see in the columns is the state groups (Open) and within the state group the states for work item workflows in that state group. It does that, because while you don't, other users requested all those details. 

You can only drag to state columns that represent a state of the work flow of the type of the work item you are dragging. You can edit what the header shows in a view and what not and that is for all that use the plan. See and . You can define views and promote them to be shown in plans by default (this is for all users using the plan view). 

While white boards with sticky notes are nice and all, I have seen their practical limits when teams where distributed and could not afford the person to actually update the sticky notes in Excel or whatever tool used to share.

Sorry, but I don't have a one size fits all detailed how planning can be used post here.

michael entler selected this answer as the correct answer

michael entler commented Mar 15 '17, 12:49 p.m.

I'm pretty familiar with modifying process templates/projects(not so much plans), but was looking for something that was specifically about the SCRUM template. Most teams prefer Jira or TFS default templates, but I want at least our Java sdlc projects utilizing RTC.

This is what I needed though:

 You can edit what the header shows in a view and what not and that is for all that use the plan. See and . You can define views and promote them to be shown in plans by default (this is for all users using the plan view). 



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