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Resource allocations on a per Iteration basis in a Project based on Scrum?

Accepted answer

It is possible to add some of the features of the formal project management template to the agile process templates. this is described here: https://jazz.net/library/article/572 . I am however in doubt that it would provide you with what you are looking for. If you want to try it out, I would suggest setting up a test server.
One other answer

Thanks Ralph for your Answer.
Can we look in a different way which can be taken as enhancement --such that there will be a Master Timeline and that Master Timeline will have Nested Child Timeline and Subchild Timeline and each such Timeline will have its own associated Ieration . Then in that case a particular Rsource can be given % of Allocation in one or some identified Timelnes and wokitem will be "planned for" to the iteration where that iteration is associated with a Timeline . Each Timeline will be associated with a Team. This approach will give more grannular control on resource management INDIRECTLY via Iteration . % of Total Allocaion and Total Efforts should be rolled up to the TOP Project level Timeline AND data points should be ecposed to RRDI for further Calculation .
(Prasanta Kumar Chaudhuri)