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Why doesn't only one section show up in the details slot of the overview tab on any work item in the eclipse client?

Kim Williams (56136) | asked Jan 31 '17, 10:20 a.m.

Starting with the out of the box RTC process template for SAFe, I created a new section in the details slot of the overview tab for a Program Epic. The new section is underneath the Detail section in the Details slot. When I create a new Program Epic work item in the web client, I see the new section  I created for it just as I expected.  However, when I try to create a Program Epic in the eclipse client, I only see the newly added section.  The details section is missing.   If I swap the order and put the new section above the Details section, then I see them correctly .in this new order in the web interface, but I only see the Details section in the eclipse client. 

It really doesn't matter what Process Template I start with or what work item.  The results are the same. 

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jan 31 '17, 7:47 p.m.

Hi, Kim

Please check with this article on Editor Presentation:

Each slot in Overview tab has one section only. What you see is expected.
You may try other type of layout to add multiple sections.

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