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RTC role: Everyone (Default)

Michael Oyebola (31114) | asked Apr 28 '16, 12:16 p.m.
 My team wants the Everyone(Default) role to only update the attribute of a WI but not change the state. Can anyone help on why Everyone(Default) role can still change a WI state even when they do not have the trigger Workflow action permission.

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Apr 28 '16, 7:32 p.m.
Hi, Mike

Everyone is a default role and it is not clear whether there is any other roles configured in the project area level or team area level. In general, role permissions look up is a "union" process and you may want to check if the member has any other roles assigned in any team level.
Permission lookup explanation can be found in this article:
(it applies to latest version)

Michael Oyebola selected this answer as the correct answer

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