About move a jazz database to another server
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It is possible to move your data at the database level, but you must preserve the original CLM server host name in order to complete the setup. The database server name can change if needed. Also, the lock ID message you referenced is typical when restoring data to another server, so you will need to clear that using the repotools -resetRepoLockId command before you can proceed with the setup, but the key is to preserve the CLM server name when you re-run the jts/setup. Hope it helps,
Actually, We use the IP-Domain map as URI like this: XXX.com, I have modified the URI,and then when I want to run the repotools -resetRepoLockId command I can't find the "repotools" command, so I use the repotools-jts,repotools-ccm,repotools-qm instead, I run all of them respectly, but when I re-run the jts/setup,it is the same as before, that error message still exists
Thanks so much for your quick reply, It seems that the problem I mentioned above were resolved, but when I get throught the rest of the setup, I encountered a problem when I go to the "Finalize Application" step, when I click the "Finalize Application Setup" button, then View Progress section of the page show these massage:
"Unable to save the consumer key and secret into the application's database. See details for more information.ID CRJAZ1850E"
Detail message is:
"HTTP Status 500 - A friend or application with the title "Jazz Team Server" is already configured. Please choose a new title.
type Status report
message A friend or application with the title "Jazz Team Server" is already configured. Please choose a new title.
description The server encountered an internal error (A friend or application with the title "Jazz Team Server" is already configured. Please choose a new title.) that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
Apache Tomcat/5.5.35"
How can I resolve this problem?