Load runner scripts are running in HP Loadrunner but not in IBM RQM
Hi All
I am trying to execute HP load runner with IBM RQM. I have setup a machine (lets call it A) with load runner installed. For integration with IBM jazz server (lets call it B), HP load runner adapetr is required, same has been configured on the machine where runner is installed.(machine A)
I can run loadrunner's scenarios on Machine A. But when i try to run these through Jazz servre (Machine B) i am getting error. I can register this adapter, view the scenario in select script section but at the time of execution, i am getting same error.
LoadRunner Controller returned with error code -1
To make sure, i am following the integration (IBM RQM,HP Load runner) correctly, below mentioned links are being followed.
--For test script
--For test case
For resolution, i followed below mentioned link, but still same output.
Please help in resolution.
One answer
- The RQM login account should have connector licenses.
- The user (admin) who does integration should have access to the server where Load Runner is installed.
- The Adapter ID should be unique for each RQM project area.
Hi Abhishek
Thanks for reply.
Below are the things i have checked.
I am using RDP to connect with Machine A and this user, which is admin, is different than RQM user.
The RQM user has no access to Machine A.
Adapter integration is done (i can see it as green in Adapter console of RQM)
The RQM user has Rational Quality Manager - Quality Professional license, (i have read on few blocks that it should be atleast one of these, connecter or quality professional to make it work)
Adapter ID is unique.
Still I am facing same error code.
Hi Monika,
Hi Abhishek