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RTC Eclipse client preferences

This is time consuming. I am wondering can this be some how preset for roll out.
I tried changing the "Plugin_Customziation.ini" and nothing with RTC clients are effective.
Eclipse Export preferences does not export the RTC settings preferences.
I am aware that this question is directly for RTC itself but wondering how this is managed?
One answer

I wonder why it doesn't work for you (maybe you have the syntax wrong), for the most part editing the following file works just fine. My preferences as detailed in the file are present in any new workspaces. Note I am using Eclipse 4.5.2 with RTC 6.0.2 installed into it via the P2 installer.
<Eclipse Client Dir>\plugins\org.eclipse.epp.package.cpp_4.5.2.20160218-0600\plugin_customization.ini
My additional entries are as follows: -
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Oct 21 '16, 2:25 a.m.I agree that this is a challenge and I have no solution.
I have heard that people have created solutions that work on populating the Eclipse preferences, but I haven't used one myself. Google found me this: http://www.slideshare.net/netceteragroup/managing-eclipse-preferences-for-teams and there are more hits that I did not explore.
Karthik Krishnan
Oct 21 '16, 8:18 a.m.Thanks Ralph. Already seen this but as I mentioned, the RTC preferences are not exportable via Eclipse.