Where to get RTC Eclipse plugin?
Accepted answer
Thanks! The person who told me I should install the Eclipse plugin for RTC had mentioned the p2 file, but I did not understand the relationship of a p2 file to an Eclipse plugin until the final link of your response.
The other factor that makes it more confusing is when you reference any RTC 3.x.... download pages, the top of the page has a message about:
This is not the most recent version. We recommend Rational Team Concert 4.0.2 .
Which is confusing because, sure... if you are doing a full server installation and setup of RTC then go to 4.0.2, but as you pointed out, if someone is just looking for client code to connect to RTC, then they want whatever version of RTC client matches the RTC server.
oops... meant to paste this in response to the other answer, instead of looking like I was answering my own question.