Can not share a project in IBM Data Architect with RTC 4.0.3 (SCM unavailable)

I installed the p2 Version of RTC 4.0.3 into IBM InfoSphere Data Architect 9.1 64-Bit and set up the 4.0.3 server locally.
Now I would like to upload a project via right click -> Team -> Share project but at the end of the wizard I get the following error:
"CRJAZ0106E The server is temporarily unavailable. The request for the following URL was denied: /jts/service/"
When I just access /jts/service on the Jazz Server there are many services listet, but none starting with Am I missing a module on the server or could it be a client side problem? I did change into a newly created workspace in Data Architect, but the problem persists.
Would be glad if anyone has some insight/idea here!
Accepted answer

One other answer

Apologies if you have checked this already, but can you see the Work Item perspective in IDA? If not, check that you have the RTC plugin enabled in Eclipse.

Hi Anthony, thanks for your reply.
Yes I do see that perspective, also the option to synchronize with Jazz Source Control using the normal Team->Share Project option just appeared after I installed the plugin.
Maybe I'm wrong, but somehow I really think this is a server problem, as I also fail to create a repository in the server admin interface, I can only create a lifecycle project.

Ah - ok - so first thing is to fix RTC.
On the server admin page - you should see a Diagnostics link on the left-hand-side. See if that reports all is OK with RTC. On my local server, I go to this link for the diagnostics:
Also check that the Change and Configuration Management capability is available on the server (go to the pulldown arrow to the right of the Home icon - top left of your browser and check there is an entry for "Change and Configuration Management".
Random idea - when you started the server, assuming Windows - start this from a command shell - and make sure the command shell is started using the "Run as Administrator" - this will bypass any file/directory permission potential issues. On Unix/linux - use sudo to start the startup script.

I checked on both the Linux and Windows server and there is only one warning about not having configured an NTP server for time syncronization.
The Change and Configuration Management capability is there in the menu.
Indeed it did at first start the Windows server as a normal user, but it fails deploying the software to Tomcat, so I ran it as Administrator. On Linux of course I did it as root from the beginning, so that can not be the issue...