Exporting workitems from RTC with titles

I am trying to export workitems from RTC 5.0.2 but I do not see a field to select the title/name. In the web UI, I see the workitem titles. Is there a way to export from the web UI or export title/name column from Eclipse?
In Eclipse, I do not see a title/name column to choose when exporting:
This is from the web UI with titles (and ID) that I want to export:
Accepted answer

From the screenshot, the work item Title you mean is the Summary attribute which will be exported to the csv file by default.
To export work items from web client, you can refer to document https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.team.workitem.doc%2Ftopics%2Ft_exporting_work_items_web.html