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How do I query RTC for work items that do *not* contain certain text?

Accepted answer

Can you please elaborate your use case? Maybe other ways can be suggested once we know more about the use case.

When we have a CCB, we put CCB comments in the CR that always start with "CCB" so that we can query for them later. I want to find CRs that do not contain the string "CCB" in the comments so I can be sure we don't have open CRs that haven't been reviewed.

It does not sound like a good approach, as you've already found out. I would consider three alternative options.
1. Add a custom attribute for this purpose. You can use an enumeration which contains a value "CCB Reviewed", so that you can select this value after reviewing the CR. In this case, it is quite easy to find CR with such attribute not equal to "CCB Reviewed".
2. If all the CR have to be reviewed, change the workflow so that it has a "Reviewed" state and CR has to go through such state.
3. Use the Review/Approval functionality.
(See figure 13)

Having a tag: CCB can be easier. then query tag does not contain 'CCB'

Thanks guys. I'm looking into implementing either the attribute or the tag, so at least you have affirmed this is probably the right way to go. :) Thank you for your answers.