RTC Database Query - Users
One answer
I think that explains why I have a Windows account (AD) on the RTC server but I am not up to speed on the jargon just a user. Outlook can display full address book entry for each username, can't RTC? The RTC Eclipse client has a link to instant messaging, can't it lookup the phone number and call the person when the build fails? We need metadata like to send a cell phone text message via email to alert the developer for continuous integration when they are away from their dashboard because this is being used by external developers in different time zones. [See also http://www.dilbert.com search for "dashboard"]
Outlook accesses those data because it needs them; RTC does not, all it's interested in is a user ID and the associated email address so it can authenticate the user and send email when needed. Loading or even reading the entire contents of the user directory (when multiple types of user directory are supported) would be costly in both time and processor resources.
The use case you describe is not part of RTC's design. In order to achieve your aim you'll likely need to develop an extension.