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Export query to csv with parent & children data

Jeff Foege (45266960) | asked Feb 28 '13, 2:02 p.m.

I know how to export to a csv file and to add the parent & child data. I noticed a problem with one of the stories, the story in question has about 5 children but only one showed up in the report. All the children reported who the parent was with no trouble. I'm curious if there is a bug where it only lists out one child instead of all of them?

I created a simple 'unresolved' query and exported the data from the eclipse client.


2 answers

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Stephanie Bagot (2.1k1513) | answered May 16 '13, 2:19 p.m.
I wasn't able to reproduce on 4.0.2. In the CSV, it looks like there is only one child, but when I actually select the cell it shows multiple children on new lines. The children ID won't be concatenated and are separated by the new lines.

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Abhinav Mishra (1443139) | answered Mar 19 '15, 8:56 a.m.
Hi Jeff,

If by any chance all other child workitems were already resolved ?

Many Thanks

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