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RTC and TaskTop Integration

Glenn Watkins (88347) | asked Aug 22 '16, 7:48 p.m.

We have recently upgraded the CLM suite to 6.0.2, as we use TaskTop for integration into Q.C we needed to upgrade that too.

The trouble we experiencing is that the new TaskTop does a complete read of all the governance built into RTC and flags errors where they ordinarily would not be errors.
An example is TaskTop picks up the "Status" field as READ ONLY and flags the integration as an error.

Is there a way I can get control over this?

Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards
Glenn Watkins

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 23 '16, 3:28 a.m.

Have you approached Task Top?

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 23 '16, 4:40 a.m.

You have also opened this question: is that a duplicate and I can close it?

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Glenn Watkins (88347) | answered Aug 29 '16, 5:41 a.m.
 Hi Ralph

Yes that question can be closed.

I would like to leave a bit if background for anyone else that experiences what we did.
We upgraded from CLM 5.0 to CLM 6.0.2, we use TaskTop as an integration mechanism into HPQC. When the upgrade was completed we found during testing that TaskTop was no longer integrating and giving the following error, "version incompatibility, server on 6.0.2 CLIENT on 5.0"

The resolution here is just to download the new REPO 2 file, uninstall the existing TaskTop application, reinstall it again and during the installation point it to the new REPO 2 file. It keeps all the configurations and projects on the new install and no further configuration is required.

Hope this helps.

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

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