How do we create LDX database objects without having SYSADMIN capabilities for tablespace creation?
LDX is unique among all our databases, in that there is no procedure for creating this database manually. I'm working with a client in an Enterprise environment, where DBA's create database table spaces manually and data tables are created via other means, using user accounts with permissions that are constrained to have CRUD capabilities for tables but no capability for tablespace creation. They "have" permitted us to create the tables for the application databases using repotools, but we are not being permitted to create the database tablespaces using JTS's setup capability.
Repotools does not have documented support for LDX table creation. How do we create the LDX database tables, given this Enterprise-scale customer's constraints and proscribed procedures?
Repotools does not have documented support for LDX table creation. How do we create the LDX database tables, given this Enterprise-scale customer's constraints and proscribed procedures?
Todd Dunnavant
Jun 22 '16, 11:13 a.m.I have a follow-on question, related to the first.
The CLM Dev team has sent me the DDL for creating the LQE and LDX tables -- thank you!
However, the DDL doesn't include any definition of the table spaces into which the tables should be created.
Into which table space should the tables be created? Do we have DDL for creating the required tablespaces for LDX and LQE.
Donald Nong
Jun 22 '16, 9:54 p.m.I check the LQE database in my CLM 6.0.2 environment, and see no extra tablespaces apart from the default ones created when the DB2 database was created. It appears that it just uses the default user tablespace and temporary tablespace. The LQE database is much smaller than the others (more than 4GB created by repotools). Actually, if the DDL for creating tables does not specify the tablespace name, the tables just go to the user's default user tablespace.