Scripted CLM installation (including DM) & MTM

Accepted answer

It is rumored to be fixed in 6.0.2. My PMR regarding this bug seems to be missing though.
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Hi Liora,
There is a note in the repotools setup documentation page ( mentioning that the MTM creation will fail with DM Rhapsody installed:
includeLifecycleProjectStep (default false and not required)
Set this attribute to "true" to include an optional step to instantiate lifecycle project templates. This will include a step that allows you to deploy templates such as the "Money That Matters" sample.
The Money That Matters sample project does not work with Rhapsody Design Manager. Setting this attribute to true will thus fail while running the setup command on a Jazz Team Server that has a Rhapsody Design Management application registered.
For information, the WI tracking this is:
Service to create the MTM sample during scripted setup should not attempt to create sample using Rhapsody DM
1 vote

This has been announced to be fixed in 6.0.6

It was not fixed. It was extended to fail on /am (RMM) too.