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Find local permission settings in inherited RTC/CCM PAs

Katrin Heymann (19824563) | asked May 30 '16, 10:48 a.m.
edited May 30 '16, 11:03 a.m.
We are using a Master PA which defines the permission settings and some "children" PAs which inherits from this Master.

Now I found out that in the inherited PAs some colleagues added / changed permission settings locally. Normally I can recognize this when the role is shown in "bold".

But now I have the case that all permissions are marked as Children permissions from the Master but the role is still shown in "bold".

What's wrong then ? Why is the role still shown in "bold" ?

One answer

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jun 06 '16, 4:03 a.m.
Once you modify the Permission section in a child project, the section is copied into the child project's process configuration. Effectively, the child project no longer inherits this section from the master/parent PA.

There are some ways to revert it back depending on your actual needs.
1. Set any section of interest as "Final" so that customization in the child projects is not allowed.
2. In the process configuration source of such child project, remove the modified/customized section. This will force the child project to read the configuration from the master/parent project - that is, inherit, again.

Katrin Heymann commented Jun 06 '16, 4:27 a.m.

Hi Donald,

thanks for your answer.

In the Master PA it's not possible to select "Final" because the selection is not active

Final button

Donald Nong commented Jun 06 '16, 9:27 p.m.

The "Final" option appears to be activated only when both a role and an action are selected. It means that you will need to click the Final option many many times, which is not what I have expected. I cannot find an option for the entire Permission section, sorry.

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