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Ability to restrict folder creation at RTC

Ralf Truebenbach (3112) | asked Dec 12 '12, 4:57 a.m.
In our project we have a well defined folders structure in RTC source control. How can I ensure that only authorized user are able to create new folder at all or at a specific level to have this under control

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Andrew Hoo (1.0k1) | answered Dec 12 '12, 3:28 p.m.

Hi Ralf,

This feature is currently not implemented:

Regarding "create new folder at all": there is no restriction by filesystem type (file, folder, symbolic link). describes restriction by a name pattern (... if that helps at all)

Regarding "at a specific level", Work Item 171106 (and related) are tracking that request.

Ralf Truebenbach selected this answer as the correct answer

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